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Q: How Do I Resize My Pictures?

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Elder Than Dirt

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 12:17 am    Post subject: Q: How Do I Resize My Pictures? Reply with quote

[i]How do I resize my pictures smaller to get them on FAC?[/i]

The steps you need to follow will vary according to what programs you have on your computer; here are a few tutorials designed for some of the more common programs:

[size=14][b]MS Paint[/b][/size]
While we can't recommend using MS Paint due to its low-quality resize process, these are the steps to use:
[list=1][*]Open your picture in MS Paint. (File > Open)
[*]You can review the pixel dimensions of your image at any time by selecting "Attributes" from the "Image" menu (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+E), or by positioning your cursor at the bottom-right corner of the image and viewing its coordinates on the status bar.
[*]Look under the "Image" menu, and select the "Stretch/Skew" option. (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+W)
[*]Paint's Stretch/Skew dialog box will appear onscreen. Notice the two numbers under the "Stretch" section (these are called "scalars"), one is for horizontal resizing, and the other is for vertical. Both of numbers will by default be set to 100%. 100% means "same", or "don't resize".
[*]To resize the image, type a different number into [i]both[/i] the Horizontal [i]and[/i] Vertical fields (the same number into each), then hit OK. Numbers less than 100 will shrink the picture, while numbers greater than 100 will enlarge it. For example, typing "50" into both boxes will shrink the image to half its original size. It's important to type the same value into both boxes to preserve the image's aspect ratio (proportions), otherwise the image may appear "squished" horizontally or vertically.
[*]Note that MS Paint does not offer a high-quality resize option, which may cause a resized image to appear "grainy". If you would like to try again with a different resize value, select "Undo" from the Edit menu to restore the original image, then go back to step 2.
[*]When you are finished resizing your image, save it using the "Save" command in the File menu (or use the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+S).

[size=14][b]Adobe Photoshop[/b][/size]
To resize a picture in Photoshop:
[list=1][*]Open your picture in Photoshop.
[*]Open the "Image" menu, then select the "Image Size" command. A dialog box with image size options will appear.
[*]Ensure that the "Constrain proportions" box is checked, and change the measurement units to "pixels".
[*]Type in the desired width of the picture (the height will adjust itself automatically), then click OK to create a resized version of the image.
[*]Save the new image. Done.[/list:o]

[size=14][b]PaintShop Pro[/b][/size]
To resize a picture in PaintShop Pro:
[list=1][*]Open your picture in PaintShop Pro.
[*]Open the "Image" menu at the top, then choose the "Resize" option. A dialog box will appear.
[*]Make sure that the "lock aspect ratio" and "resize all layers" boxes are both checked. In the pixel dimensions area, set the measurement units to "pixels", then type in the desired width of your picture (the picture's height will adjust itself automatically). Then hit OK to resize the image.
[*]Save the image. Done.[/list:o]

To resize a picture using the GIMP:
[list=1][*]Open your picture in GIMP. (File > Open)
[*]In the image window, open the "Scale Image" option from the "Image" menu -- GIMP's Scale Image dialog will appear.
[*]Ensure that the "constrain aspect ratio" icon between the Ratio X and Y boxes is enabled (it will appear as an unbroken chain), and that the measurement units shown near the Height box is set to "px" (pixels).
[*]Type in a new ratio value as desired, [i]or[/i] the desired pixel width for the image. Then hit OK to resize the image.
[*]Save your resized image. Done.[/list:o]

[b]Final Tips[/b]
[list][*]In Photoshop, PaintShop, or the GIMP, always make sure you convert your image to "True Color" before resizing. Otherwise, you will see quality loss similar to in MS Paint.
[*]On some programs, you can increase the quality of the resized image by applying a slight blur effect before resizing, and then applying a sharpen effect afterwards.
[*]Always keep a copy of your original image backed up in a separate file.[/list:u]

Last edited by Stratadrake on Sun Jul 16, 2006 11:20 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 10:02 am    Post subject: Resizing Pictures Reply with quote

Quick Query - I've tried to resize my picture in MS paint and I've also attempted to change my size setting in my profile - Both have been unsuccessful Sad When I try to edit the size allowance of pictures from my profile the page disappears and the screen has a lot of coded writing with "error" appearing frequently! How can I resize a picture that's already on FAC? Thanks Very Happy
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Elder Than Dirt

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 11:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

[quote]How can I resize a picture that's already on FAC?[/quote]
Use the copy that you originally have on your computer. Resize that, then edit the picture and upload the newer version. Please note, a bug has recently cropped up in the add/edit picture pages, so you will have to wait for that to get fixed first. (Shouldn't take long, maybe a day)
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 10:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have a question about resizing images. When I am logged on my images appear small, regular sized but once I log off and view my images they're huge! I have tried resizing my images on my profile but nothing is working. I know this because I recieved a comment on my Temari-Shikamaru saying the pic was huge. Help!!!
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Elder Than Dirt

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

FAC automatically resizes large images when viewed, however this is an option that each user can set (or switch off) for themselves.

And yes, your image [b]is[/b] huge, 1168x1583 pixels. Sounds like you scanned it in at a 150dpi resolution.
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Photo Lucidity Admin

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 5:20 am    Post subject: Re: Q: How Do I Resize My Pictures? Reply with quote

Some additionals

[size=14][b]Adobe Illustrator[/b][/size]
To resize a picture in Adobe Illustrator:
[list=1][*]Open your picture in Illustrator.
[*] Double Click Scale tool, A dialog box will appear.
[*] Illustrators resize is measured in percentage of original document
[*] Type in the desired percentage, 50% should suffice (unless original is larger than 3000px), Then hit OK to resize the image.
[*] Export the new image. Done.[/list:o]

[size=14][b]Microsoft Photodraw[/b][/size]
To resize a picture in Microsoft Photodraw:
[list=1][*] Open your picture in Microsoft Photodraw.
[*]Open the "Crop Size" menu at the top, then choose the "Resize" option. A dialog side bar will appear.
[*] Chose the "Resize Picture" (default) Option
[*] Make sure that the "Maintain proportions" (default) box is checked. Set the units of measure to "pixels" with the drop menue labled Units, then type in the desired width of your picture (the picture's height will adjust itself automatically). Then click somewhere in the work aria to resize the image.
[*] Save the image. Done.[/list:o]
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Elder Than Dirt

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Because it's a vector graphics editor, Inkscape isn't designed to edit image files (BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG) directly. However, it can still perform a number of useful functions on an image (e.g: resizing, splicing, rotating/aligning), and in certain cases it can do this faster and more easily than a raster editor -- provided you know what to do:

[list=1][*]Firstly, be aware that Inkscape likes to use a display resolution of 90 dpi. (This is important mainly for printing images out on paper, for resizing images and uploading to the Internet just skip to the next step).
[*]Open your image file for editing (File > Open...)
[*]Since Inkscape can't edit raster images directly, it will place the image as an [i]object[/i]. Click on it (once) to select it.
[*]On the upper toolbar there will be two boxes labelled "W" (for width) and "H" (for height), both of them (by default) measured in pixels.
[*]Enable the constraint button that is displayed between them (for 0.46 this is displayed as a padlock icon), then type in any arbitrary width or height to scale the object.
[*]In order to save a new version of the image you must [i]export[/i] it. Select [i]File > Export bitmap...[/i] and a new dialog will appear.
[*]Set the export area to "drawing" -- don't worry about the other information displayed at this point. Next, click the "Browse" button to select where you want to save your file (and to input a filename for it). Note that Inkscape can only export images in PNG format.
Finally, click on the "Export" button and Inkscape will save it to a PNG that can be opened in another program. Note that the 'Export' dialog box will remain open after it has finished, this is normal Inkscape behavior and not a bug.[/list:o]
Strata here: [url=http://www.nanowrimo.org/eng/user/242293]Nanowrimo[/url] - [url=www.fanart-central.net/user-Stratadrake.php]FAC[/url] - [url=http://stratadrake.deviantart.com]dA[/url] - [url=www.furaffinity.net/user/Stratadrake/]FA[/url]
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